Planning and Highways
All planning decisions in Southwell are the responsibility of the Planning Department at Newark & Sherwood District Council. The Southwell Town Council Planning and Highways (P&H) Committee meets monthly and reviews every relevant application submitted to NSDC Planners. The Committee has no legal standing, but it ensures that NSDC is aware of all Southwell Town Council’s concerns, particularly regarding flood risk and compliance with the Neighbourhood Plan linked here. SOUTHWELL NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN
In Southwell, planning is complicated by the relatively large Conservation Area and a high number of Listed buildings. Flooding is also a major consideration, particularly if the application is for a large development.
Any significant work proposed on a house requires planning permission, particularly if it is Listed, in a Conservation Area or both. Planning Officers from NSDC are the final arbiters on this. Their advice can be sought prior to plans being submitted or if there is any doubt about a project. Contrary to what many may think, Planning Officers are there to help and advise.
Southwell Town Council’s P&H Committee has 10 members reviewing around 10-15 applications each month. The Committee is always happy to discuss ideas and plans with residents prior to lodging a full application with Newark & Sherwood District Council.
a)Maintenance and Improvement:
Notts County Council (NCC) employs Via East Midlands (Via EM) to help design, programme and carry out each financial year’s agreed work.
– As part of the annual programme planning cycle, Southwell Town Council submits scheme proposals to NCC/Via EM and briefs the County Councillor to lobby on our behalf. A copy of the latest version of the document used for this purpose – the Southwell Traffic Management Plan (STMP) 25/26 – can he found here
– As regards day to day concerns, and to help inform our highways team of issues in Southwell please report any problems you see as you are out and about in any one of the following ways –
- to the STC Clerk (contact details below)
- at this Notts CC website for reporting potholes Report a pothole | Nottinghamshire County Council
- at this Notts CC website for reporting other highway matters Report a road or pavement problem | Nottinghamshire County Council,
- using the MyNotts App linked here
- at the website
b)Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and Southwell Area Environmental Weight Restriction (EWR) Order:–
On 4/3/14 an Order made by Notts CC came into force so as to limit HGV activity on all roads in the town, and those in a two to three miles radius of it, to vehicles not exceeding 7.5 tonnes (7,500 kg) in weight. So anything larger – eg very big container lorries, articulated vehicles etc – should only use these roads for a reason specified in the Order eg for delivery, if on road repair work (or work to sort gas, electricity, water problems), if needing to get between farm holdings).
– Notts CC does carry out enforcement checks from time to time, ie staff monitor highways and log possible ‘misuse’ cases. But the Council does not have resource to monitor every road all the time.
– So, there is a Notts CC system – called ‘Lorry Watch’ – whereby individuals can submit reports about possible breaches. A link which explains the details you’ll need and which leads to the (easy) reporting form is here Report the misuse of weight restricted routes by lorries | Nottinghamshire County Council
– The Town Council encourages use of this system, and is periodically updated as regards this potentially noisy, polluting and damaging problem with information/statistics obtained from Notts CC.
c) Speed Limit Enforcement:
– Besides local speed enforcement exercises undertaken by our Police Community Support Officers and the town’s Speedwatch Group, the Town Council lobbies for visits by the Police Radar Van team to help maintain adherence to the 30 mph speed limit in and around the town.
– If you would like to volunteer and help the town’s Speedwatch Group, or like more info, please contact STC Clerk, details below, who will put you in touch with an existing Group member.